
Ogni incavo e rilievo scavano, modellano, fendono.
Ogni cavità e rialzo foggiano, plasmano, adattano.
Ogni solco e ruga isolano, levigano, curvano.

Rimangono tatuati, nell’aria intorno,
– Devoti e concreti come fossero corpo –
Brandelli regali, schegge compiute, ali!

Percorrono strade, sì, i tuoi baci. Cielo!
Rimembrano complessità prostrate.
Consolidano orizzonti crepuscolari.


CARNALE II – 2015 – Maria A. Listur

Dove si può. 2015 – Maria A. Listur



Each recess and protruding they excavate, model, cleave.
Each cavity and rise they shape, mold, adapt.
Each rut and crease they isolate, smooth, curve.

They remain tattoed, in the air around,
– Devoted and concrete as they were flesh –
Regal shreds, accomplished splinters, wings!

They walk the paths, yes, your kisses. Good heaven!
They resemble prostrated complexities.
They strengthen crepuscular horizons.

Where it is possible. 2015 – Maria A. Listur